Our services

Our commitment is to analyze and supervise ALWAYS the best channels and conversion rates of our clients. Our highly specialized team is built in order to satisfy our customers needs, with huge adaptability and research of new opportunities.

Telemarketing  database 

Resultado de imagen de check pngHIGH VOLUME

Over 6 million MOBILE numbers: owned, updated, and guaranteed. Over 10 million MOBILE personal data from partners lists.

Resultado de imagen de check pngCOMPLIANCE
Rigorous compliance of the requirements established by the EU GDPR.

Resultado de imagen de check pngHIGH SEGMENTATION

Over 20 segmentation variables, including geolocation, gender, age, holders of VAT, interests, composition of family unit, and the possibility to provide many kinds of targets upon request.

Resultado de imagen de check pngFAST DELIVERY
Database delivering within 2 working days.


Dynamic text messages with replies 
Want to increase prospect through best performances? 
· Over 20 million users
· Phone numbers updated costantly

If you want to send text mesagges to your customer base
We can provide you with a dedicated platform.

Affiliation Network

Resultado de imagen de check pngHIGH VOLUME

Over 10 million active and internally managed emails, besides the external network of publishers.

Resultado de imagen de check png ANALYSIS AND SUPERVISION OF CAMPAIGNS

Research and development of creativities and landing pages.

Resultado de imagen de check png Test A/B

Constant monitoring and analysis of your conversion rate.



Want to earn from your own email or mobile databases? Join our network of suppliers.

Social ADV

Reach your audience through interests.
We increase your conversion rate through personalized social network and community advertisement (textual advertisement, forms and banners).

Real time Data (co-registration)

Become a co-owner of the data we collect. We plan basing on your needs and obtain brand new and updated personal data.